Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Entire group view

On Assisted Suicide, our group and our nation will legalize it for proven terminally ill patient who have tried all other alternatives and the individual does not want to live anymore, then Assisted Suicide should be administered by a licensed physician. On the issue of abortion, a female who choses to not have a child and its proven that its within the first trimester then Abortion will be legalized and performed without anyone being charged with a crime. Finally, Death Penalty will be legal but only through the following steps: If an individual has been convicted of a premeditated crime, they have only one appeal that they can make. If that individual cannot be found innocent, then they serve an additional year in prison to think about the crime they have committed. When the individual is up for their final day, they have an option of either being put to sleep for ever or take part of a "Fight to Death" battle in the prison. If they survive then, they get another year to live while being incarcerated. Each year on their anniversary date, they have to make the same decision until the day they die. Thats it.

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