Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


My opinion to all three of the following topics are very mixed and I have always had difficulty deciding on Assisted Suicide, Abortion and Death Penalty.  For all of them i have pro's and con's.

Assisted Suicide:
If a person is suffering from a terminal illness and the patient and their loved one's agree to assisted suicide then I'm all for it.
If a person is unable to made a decision for themselves (coma) then if they have a DNR (do not resist-ate) in file, i believe the patient should be placed to rest.
If a person is to point where they cannot take care of themselves, are a burden to others, they do not want to live anymore due to their terminal illness, then i think a physician should be found justified and lawful to assist a patient with suicide.
The only negative i have to say to Assisted Suicide is what if, there is a cure for their illness that is just not introduced in the United States or Approved by the FDA or what if after the Assisted Suicide is performed and soon after a cure is introduced (ex: new pill for aids, when before people believed that aids is not curable) how would loved ones of the patient feel about themselves wishing they had waited and now its too late.

I've always believed born or unborn, a life is present in this world and abortion should be treated as homicide for any healthy living baby.
If the child is growing in a rape victim or if there is a chance that keeping the baby could lead to some type of illness to the child or the mother or death, then abortion would be justified similar to assisted suicide.

Death Penalty:
Our death penalty system in the United States is screwed up in my opinion.
We should not hold someone in the prison for 10 or 20 years and then put them to death by injection.
I believe in eye for eye system.  The same crime that you commit on others should be done to you this way you know how the victim felt when you committed the crime upon them and the public would know so they are deterred from committing the same crime on another human being.
On the other side, i think there are too many cases after spending half their lives in prison, an individual is found innocent of the crime that they were convicted of so I think we should make sure we have exhausted all possibilities of an individuals innocence or guilt before we get to the death penalty.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with your stance on abortion at a personal level, but I think the country should decide what they want to do. If the majority of people wish to outlaw abortion great, but if they legalize it then it was a majority decision. Even if I still believe its wrong.