Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Right of Service Denial

Per the Constitution of Giocatori, a business has the right to deny service to anyone they wish. Because there is no law stating that they must provide the service, according to the Tenth Amendment if no power over the situation is given to the government or state, it then goes to the people. In this case it does, therefore the business has the power to make it's own decision on the issue. It is in no way prohibiting the practice of a religion, but in fact allowing the practice of the business' religion.  Of course this is a fine line, but ultimately, if I were to try to go to a business and they would not serve me for any given reason, all the power to them. They will lose the business of many people, so there is ramifications to their decision, no need to compound them. I will go find somewhere else to go, and if there is not another place, then I'll see the opportunity and start the business myself to serve other in my situation.


Unknown said...

very nice ideals relates closely to the American ideals. Keep up the good work, sounds like your country values its freedom!

Unknown said...

Definitely agree with this. If there's a market it'll be filled, just human nature. Looking forward to seeing other posts here and getting a better feel for your countries values.

Anonymous said...

very nice! I like your ideas, it makes sense that a business has the right to refuse service if they want to. At the same time everyone also has the right to exercise their own religion, so if the business refuses service than its their lost. Good job

Unknown said...

As I read your blog I feel as though that its not solely about the business success that will be in danger but also the citizens rights...Do your citizens have any alienable rights if so then I'm pretty sure this would break them...