Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Economic Development

There are valid reasons as to why we should teach our culture to these people. We plan to do this in a very logical way, in which we think will help accomplish our goal. First we will show them that we care about these cultures combining to create a larger culture. We will instill the views of the modern world on these people. Show them that in such a world as this it is difficult to become successful without the use of modern day technologies. We also plan to instill our values of unity and happiness in order to accomplish the goal of stability in government and community.

I didn't listen to the whole speech, but instead i read parts of the written speech below the video. I agree with much of this relates to the issues between the two societies we have in our island. Two communities sharing their "opinion, judgement and having the capacity thus to think together" in order to resolve the issues at hand.


Unknown said...

That sounds great, but how will you instill your views to these people? Are you just going to tell them your values, or are you going to set-up some wort of incentive program? Maybe some sort of law that requires them to learn about your values or something will help, like a citizen certification course or something.

Unknown said...

i like the idea of applying happiness to all of your citizens but i wonder how they will want to convert, and what will motivate them to ultimately change their cultural identity. but i like your thinking and it seems like a great start.