Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happiness in Our Country's Citizens

In our country I believe happiness can be measured pretty easily.

1. Health & Fitness: It is simple, if your body is healthy then you will be healthy and happy.
2. Social life: If someone is more often at home, sitting by themselves doing nothing that will not be fun and will make someone unhappy. Friends and family help to make you smile and in turn stay happy.
3. Good standard of living: If you have a good place to live and clothes on your back, then you should be happy because of it. In our country those who don't have good, clean places to live are probably less happy and we should find a way to fix that.
4. Sense of community: Those who help the community and work to create more of a cumminty will feel like they are most involved and have a place to call home, which can in turn create happiness.
5. Job stability: If you have a steady source of income, you should be happy, those with a higher income will probably be more happy since they can go out and buy the stuff that they want and not have to worry about it as much.

I would say your happiness can be measured in our country by these five things. If you have all 5 of these things, I would consider the citizen very happy. Three or more would be considered content, and anything less than three i would consider to be unhappy. Those unhappy people should be working on filling those empty spaces with the remaining of the five listed above. The only person that can make you happier, is yourself.


Unknown said...

I agree completely with the measurements of happiness that you have chosen. Health is a huge aspect of wellbeing. If the majority of people are unhealthy, overweight, and sedentary then those people are most likely to be depressed and unhappy. However, if the majority of people are active, sociable, and eating well then that community will thrive.

Unknown said...

I agree greatly with your 5 standards for your country to have in order to find happiness. I think that having job stability, good health and fitness as well as a fulfilling social life are very important.

Anonymous said...

I like the points that you made most of them were the same ones that I picked out as well. Its interesting how everyone needs and wants different things in their life but in the end everyone wants the same things to be happy. Good job on your list!

Unknown said...

Good post, i agree with you 100% especially health being #1.