Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Thursday, April 10, 2014


     In order to measure someones happiness you would first have to understand what makes them happy and eventually how happy that makes them.
1. Health. My opinion is that if your body is in good health, then your mind will be affected in a positive manner because its easier to be happy when you healthy. The healthier you are the happier you are.
2. Relationships. A relationship is a great way to measure happiness. The more relationships you develop in life shows your levels of personal interest.
3. Respect. The more respect people give and receive effects their happiness. Happiness starts with yourself, self respect is the key to a happier way of living. If you don't respect yourself, your happiness will diminish.
4. Sight.Through sight you can experience a visual excitement that creates happiness. Your sight points out your visual passions.
5. Knowledge. People are naturally happy. You have to learn how to be unhappy.


Unknown said...

Sight confused me at first and then I realized I pretty much put the same thing just called it environment, or surroundings. Good list.

Unknown said...

I agree with you also, cool picture btw. Health is key, if you are always sick then you are going to be miserable.