Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms


Values: Unity, Happiness, Education

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Keep abortion legal!

When it comes to the issue of abortion there may be many different views to the issue but I believe in only one, the right to abort. I believe it is a legal right to choose whether or not to keep the child that may be coming. Think in the position of the childs life, will the child grow up in a good environment? Will the child be well cared for? If the mother and/or father cannot afford to support this child then you have to realize that it is the best option to abort. Many people who think about this option are often faced with a tough decision. In my opinion as well there is a certain point where abortion can be classified as murder, if the baby has a heartbeat then in my opinion it can be murder which is wrong. But these women need to make this decision before it even gets to that point, it would be much easier and is the right decision under circumstances. Another circumstance that may classify as grounds for abortion may be rape, if these women go through such a terrible thing such as rape they have the right of abort.

One woman recently filmed her own abortion surgical procedure in hopes "to show that it wasnt scary ". The link to Emily Letts story is here: . Her story helps those women that may want and need to have an abortion, but back away because of the haunting feeling that may come with it.


Unknown said...

I like how your pointed out your view point on abortion. Especially the fact of when a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, there is always that question of her having to bare a child that was conceived in a horrible event. I have to agree that in cases like that the women should be allowed to have some sort of right of what decision is best for her.

Unknown said...

wow thinking about how women that are raped should have the choice is a huge deal for being pro-abortion. very nice opinion can tell you're passionate about it.